Lean Manufacturing Methodologies Result in Favorable Purchase Programs for OEMs

Continuous improvement efforts continue to evolve and allow us to better serve our customers. By applying value stream methodologies, we are able create capacity for products that meet specific lean manufacturing criteria.

Once a product or family of products meets this criteria, it is identified and value streamed. The model then utilizes dedicated resources to produce products at a lower cost with virtually no lead times.
Customers participating in the program today have reported improved inventory management controls by having select products available on-demand.
Purchase Program Benefits Include:

  • Reduced setup.
  • Automated resource scheduling.
  • Dedicated capacity resources for qualifying products.
  • Inventory management system that allows us to ship product in days rather than weeks.
  • Favorable pricing.

Meeting PPM’s lean manufacturing criteria is the first step in determining whether or not your company can benefit from this type of KANBAN or VMI (vendor managed inventory) purchasing program.

When a steady flow of product is selected, usually within a family of sizes, PPM is able to implement a dedicated resource strategy which allows our ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system to accurately reserves capacity for the proper sizes at the proper times.

This purchasing model provides our customers with superior process control, fast turnaround times, and effective inventory management. As more and more customers take advantage of these programs we are seeing consistent and positive results.

Contact our business development team with questions, comments or to see if you have product(s) that qualify for on of our new KANBAN or VMI Purchase Programs.