Looking back on 2016, we can confidently say that together we accomplished a great deal. With your support and talents, we provided new services that impacted our OEMs’ ability to fast-track products to market, maintained legacy products, brought in new customers grow our business and made significant capital improvements.

Each accomplishment is a testament to the dedication and hard work of every member of our team as well as the loyalty of the OEMs we serve. Over the years, it has been our mission to create the kind of manufacturing environment that would allow us to grow and at the same time provide unique solutions for our customers. Today, we have one of the most flexible and adaptable manufacturing floors in the business and the commitment to keep improving. This long-standing commitment has fundamentally driven, the steady growth of our business and the technologies and services we offer while maintaining the quality and craftsmanship that we’re known for.

In 2017 we will celebrate our 50th year as a contract manufacturer, making our mission even more meaningful. In the coming year, PPM’s 2017 plans include;

• Research and introduction of new technologies
• Increasing our manufacturing footprint with the addition of our third facility
• Expanding the types of customized programs, services and individual solutions that our OEMs need to succeed

John will provide more details in next week’s town hall meeting.

The work we do is important, not only to us and our customers but to the countless people whose health and well-being is improved because of our efforts. We can all take great pride in that!

~ Sincerely,
PPM Management Team